A Week in Whistler!

Boone Skis spends a week in Whistler!


    Bobby Brown, Banks Gilberti, Erik Mehus, Tyler Adams, and myself were fortunate enough to ski Camp of Champs this

past week. All throughout the summer Camp of Champs is having several "Send it With" sessions with various top name pros and this past week was Bobby's session. He invited the four of us to join him and it turned out to be the best week of my summer. Camp of Champs has the best summer set up on the glacier. The lane is littered with rails, has a perfect double line that is a 50 foot table followed by a 60 foot table, and then there is the huge 'TTR' table. The first few days of the trip we didn't have the greatest weather but the clouds parted on day 3 and the sessioning began. I took a few photos throughout my trip so that I would be able to share the fun with NS.

The little plane that took me from Denver to Vancouver.

The city from the air.

The city from the fairy.

One of the three lifts that you take to get onto the glacier.

Early morning stoked faces from Bobby and Tyler on the bus.

Banks gettin' his tanning in during a water break.

The man himself Luke Van Valin stretching it out before shredding with the lucky campers who had him for a coach.

'TTR' table on the left and the first jump in the double line on the right.

Below are a few shots taken by Andy Hahn.

That was my fantastic trip at Camp of Champions. Stay tuned for more Boone Team updates and get ready for the new line of skis to be in stores this fall! Enjoy the summer.

Kolby Ward