Sprucing Up the Concrete Park?

In-between Sessions 3 and 4 some of the Windells staff, alongside some friends, put a new coat of paint on much of the skatepark. Bits of green and baby blue can be seen throughout the park, and the readers of the blog will be getting bits and pieces of the the new paint throughout the next [...] No related posts.[IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/01/00/35/10035.jpeg[/IMG]

By Windells

Jamie Weller. Front Pivot. I'd Rather Fight Than Switch.
Willis Kimbel. Undead Front Smith over the Love Seat.

In-between Sessions 3 and 4 some of the Windells staff, alongside some friends, put a new coat of paint on much of the skatepark. Bits of green and baby blue can be seen throughout the park, and the readers of the blog will be getting bits and pieces of the the new paint throughout the next session, in both video and photo format. We also put some NHS banners up around the park. Check out head Skate Coach Jamie Weller and Portland head Willis Kimbel putting it down. Tomorrow morning some of the Nike SB dudes will be in town. Get ready for the footage, you know it’s going to be gnarly.

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