Durtschi Diaries 8

I finished Durtschi Diaries 8.  It includes lots of exciting things including: -Footage from my trip to Haines Alaska -Footage of Pep Fujas and Dane Tudor shredding in AK -The “Car Wash” testing of the new material for the 2010-2011 line of Saga Anomie Clothing -Interviews and an Edit from my trip to Alaska for the Alyeska Summer Camp [...] No related posts.[IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/00/99/41/9941.png[/IMG]

By Saga.

I finished Durtschi Diaries 8.  It includes lots of exciting things including:

-Footage from my trip to Haines Alaska

-Footage of Pep Fujas and Dane Tudor shredding in AK

-The “Car Wash” testing of the new material for the 2010-2011 line of Saga Anomie Clothing

-Interviews and an Edit from my trip to Alaska for the Alyeska Summer Camp with my cousin Max D.

This will be my last Durtschi Diaries of the 2009-2010 Season.  Thanks for all the support, and to all the people who helped me film my escapades this season.  Some episodes were lacking skiing, and some were shorter than others, but I hope to the people who stayed tune for the release of each episode (very randomly throughout the season), I hope you got a good feel for how my season went.  I wanted to show people what went down while I am not getting those high quality bangers for the PBP Movie, which should release their teaser very SOON!  The season is long, and my segment is usually only 3 minutes long, so if your friends watch the PBP movie and want to see what else I did this season, tell them to check out Durtschi Diaries, episodes 1-8, all availible on the Saga Outerwear Youtube Channel


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