Tim Durtschi Pro-Model.

If you are a part of the email list then this is old news but for everyone else this is the first glimpse of the new Tim Durtschi Pro-model suit from Saga Outerwear. Although last years Durtschi pro-model was never released for sale to the pubic we feel this years is ready. All outerwear for [...] No related posts.[IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/00/86/24/8624.jpeg[/IMG]

By Saga.

If you are a part of the email list then this is old news but for everyone else this is the first glimpse of the new Tim Durtschi Pro-model suit from Saga Outerwear. Although last years Durtschi pro-model was never released for sale to the pubic we feel this years is ready. All outerwear for this season has come a long way and we finally have a product we can say is our best fitting most high quality outerwear to date. You will have to wait until pre-sales to get the full line view (frowny face) but you can expect our classic style to be present with a new flavor of being 3 layer (here’s the catch little to no price change). I don’t mean to sound redundant but thank you to everyone who has supported us and allowed Saga to come this far, see you all on the other side!

Stay tuned to the blog this summer for more outerwear updates. Until then we have our debut line of custom cut & sew summer apparel, enjoy.

A lot of restructuring has been made to suit so it provides the fit you have been dreaming of.

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