Grad Decorating

Grad decorating is fun.  There seems to be a missconception amongst my fellow grads that our parents enjoy this, bu...[IMG][/IMG]

By jca

Grad decorating is fun.  There seems to be a missconception amongst my fellow grads that our parents enjoy this, but really that's not the case and while certain parents like to dictate the whole thing, any help is greatly appreciated.  Don't even get me started on grad though, it's crazy how seriously people take it, it's only high school, graduating high school is not that big of an accomplishment.  Our budget is something rediculous like $12000 or something.  Does this not seem stupidly excessive?  I mean, to me, the part of grad that makes it a "good", memorable, special event will be; the parties, stag, spontanious crazy shit that cannot be recreated, and hanging out with my wonderful classmates.  Not being "traditional" or the decorations, the dinner, the gowns and everything we are throwing money at.  That's just my opinion though and no matter what we are going to have a blast, BUNCH fun.  I love my grad class and couldn't ask for a better group of people to celebrate this time with.

Raine's so damn TRILL
Sammy is a PIMP
Jeff's just blushing like a FOOL
There are many funny secrets hidden in our DICE. 

Everyone (Claire) should come hang out.