PBP Mega Park shoot

POOR BOYZ MEGA SHOOT So there are alot of pros in Bend Oregon right now for the Poor Boyz Mega shoot.  Sammy Carlson and I have hit a few features together.  I have not skied with him much since Booter Crunk so it was fun to session a few features with him before things get real [...] No related posts.[IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/00/76/07/7607.png[/IMG]

By Saga.


So there are alot of pros in Bend Oregon right now for the Poor Boyz Mega shoot.  Sammy Carlson and I have hit a few features together.  I have not skied with him much since Booter Crunk so it was fun to session a few features with him before things get real hectic here in Oregon.

P.S. I painted my poles purple, then they broke.

Image capturing device
I was told by a wise man, not to bring your sled to a park shoot… it will be abused and used
If your wondering what that Transformerlike metallic contraption is… its a camera crane
No shovels needed with this hog

I am taking tommorow off because there is a Kendama contest at Wabi Sabi Downtown tommorow.  Come check it out, should be really fun, finally able to enjoy a spring day outside!

So far 25 kids have signed up for the contest.

Thanks to Wabi Sabi for putting on the Kendama Contest
Toturo full Size, look for him riding a Bicycle tommorow in the parade

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