New site feature - Videocontests!

Check it out... NS launched a new video contest system, and the first item on the plate are your chances to enter some of the IF3 short categories!

By schmuck

So yet another featuer that the boys have been hard at work doing over the summer is our brand new video contest system! We decided we wanted to try it out to come up with a few categories for the NS Awards at the IF3 which is even more rapidly approaching. So for all you dope film makers out there who haven't gotten the time to get a full video to us, here's your chance to do a little edit or use some of your other footage you've got kicking around. For the rest of you, get in there watch some of the artwork and vote! There are 3 categories:Best Edit

Best Trick

Best Teaser

Now just imagine the possibilities of this... we're going to be hosting monthly contests using this system. Think Big air contests, rail jams, edits, everything... we can actually have online contests for dope prizes or who knows even cash! Can you see the possibilities?So check it out and get voting!