Summer of Snow pt. 3

Part 3 of a series of new stories about the 2007 summer glacier in Whistler by correspondent Dan Kellar.

By schmuck

Summer of Snow 3.0Words and photos by: Dan Kellar I will never be considered a good journalist in today's Canadian consumptive society for, apart from my horrific style and grammar, I believe in privacy. Just because an act is visible to the public does not mean all the public needs to know about it. Maybe those lucky enough to be present at the time get to know the whole story, should know the whole story. Not everything is world changing, many things are personal, and should not be exploited. Many of these moments can only be experienced by those present, the lens will not transcribe the whole meaning of the occurrence. I am not of the mind that people can go about doing whatever they want without others knowing of their acts, and certainly for something of significance like an unfair act or violent uprising (justified or not), privacy should not be kept. I humbly suggest that for some things personal, some degree of respect should be shown. Let me give you an example of what I mean: the other day up on the glacier, I watched Ingrid Backstrom come up short on High North's big kicker. After a few moments of waiting to see if she would re-appear Colby West went to check her out and I followed suit when Colby did not come back into sight. Sliding over the knuckle I saw Ingrid down and Colby indicated that I should go get ski patrol (by yelling “go get ski patrol”). During the ensuing emergency response, I was thinking about taking pictures but was more concerned in helping out in any way I could. I held the sled and lifted the backboard but was still struck with the idea that people may wish to see this. Resisting the urge to pull out my camera, I told myself that not every moment needs to be shared with the worlds unspoken millions, let alone 1 or 7 ‘special people'. Who needs to see such pictures? What would their exact purpose be?

I suppose I could always take the pictures and ask for permission to post the personal, post-occurrence; though I feel some things should be kept private, out of respect for those who deserve it, even if they don't care about the issue of privacy. I am sure at some point someone may propose their full disclosure to complete coverage and allow me to make profit from it, either way I have set my personal peeper limits. Even at such a time I would still probably choose to help out even over my payment to document the situation.I could tell you what is in the pitcher that Pete Olenick is hogging, who the guy puking is or even why he is puking, or even how Peter D can afford to have this pimp place:
For reasons of personal privacy and respect I will not, however, disclose any of that information. Until the need to pay the mortgage overrides morals, which I don't believe would be at all different than what is occurring in many of the world's populations, I invite you to enjoy what I did doucment: Tanner going double huge on COC's biggest:
High North's tree falls over after they call it a summer season:Turpin throws his absolutely original new takeoff with a killer corked out 720 as a coach at COC: A little potential arson near the Houssian residence on Blackcomb (not much mroe is known at this point):
Eric Hjorleifson slaying his stepover in the now public, former High North lane:
Dana Flahr split the building and now gets to eat the bread:
High North leaves the glacier for the year:
Momentum's speakers could no longer take the gangster rap and killed themsleves:
I was not lying earlier in this summer when i said there was amazing amount of snow. The ski out is still in great shape and if you want to run the chance of losing your pass, the Couloir still has full coverage:
A rough edit of some skiing action from High North, Camp of Champs, and BC lines featuring Chris Turpin, Tanner Hall, CR Johnson, Blake Nyman, Max Hill, Alex James, Doug Bishop, High North and COC campers, Dana Flahr, Eric Hjorleifson, Dan Kellar, and perhaps some more, I can't really remeber, it is just a dope set of sessions!: Some more July steeps skiing in the endless snow of this summer with Ingrid Backstrom, Blake Nyman, and Dan Kellar: I also met alot more of your favourite pros and influential skiers in the tbar line; below are some of those talks, with many more to come.JP Auclair is still killing it: Shane Szocs shares his life: Sarah Burke is all smiles: Tanner Hall has obviously evolved in life along with his skiing: I'll be back in no time with some more interviews, pictures, videos, and finally, for the first time after the longest running promise in history: Trick Tips. Have fun until then, I know the Glacier is still better than where you are. Until next time join me in thanking Mike Atkinson for being he Creepy Uncle on the Glacier for the past 10 years: