A Little Dicey Out There.

Just the other day while in WY, Kyle and I found a pretty cool looking mini zone. By zone I mean “Place to Snowboard”, After a quick consumption of some calories we started our little mission to get to the top of the zone. Once we started hiking we could tell that the snow had some major instabilities in it, so we had to make sure that we were making good decisions about our hike path. After a good 40 minutes of hiking the tree line to the summit of the zone we were made very aware of how sketchy the conditions are in the backcountry right now. Hopefully some new snow will blanket these mountains and make conditions safer for backcountry travel. Until then we just have to make sure we are on out toes.[IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/00/37/62/3762.jpeg[/IMG]

By Daz_Dilli

Just the other day while in WY, Kyle and I found a pretty cool looking mini zone. By zone I mean “Place to Snowboard”, [caption id="attachment_591" align="alignnone" width="200" caption="Getting Ready For A Hike"]

[/caption] After a quick consumption of some calories we started our little mission to get to the top of the zone. Once we started hiking we could tell that the snow had some major instabilities in it, so we had to make sure that we were making good decisions about our hike path. After a good 40 minutes of hiking the tree line to the summit of the zone we were made very aware of how sketchy the conditions are in the backcountry right now.[caption id="attachment_589" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Slabalanche"]
[/caption] Hopefully some new snow will blanket these mountains and make conditions safer for backcountry travel. Until then we just have to make sure we are on out toes.