Portfolio Redesign

With the snow outside bringing most of England to its feet i’ve decided to take the advice of the British press and have not made any unnecessary trips out of my house for the last week. Such scaremongering in the news day in, day out absolutely baffles me. I mean, apart from the freezing temperatures, [...][IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/00/24/68/2468.jpeg[/IMG]

By Timlloydphoto

With the snow outside bringing most of England to its feet i’ve decided to take the advice of the British press and have not made any unnecessary trips out of my house for the last week. Such scaremongering in the news day in, day out absolutely baffles me. I mean, apart from the freezing temperatures, treacherous road conditions, short days, constant darkness, lack of motivation to do anything, lack of money to do anything, post-christmas blues it’s great fun!

I’m being serious when i said i’ve made no unnecessary trips this week. I’ve made none. Now before the BBC or ITN claim victory for their inspiring news broadcasts, i’ve actually been glued to the computer 12 hours a day attempting to give the portfolio section of my site a boost. I love working with this blog but have been well aware over the last few months that my actual site laid dormant collecting dust.

After a week of redesign, selecting images etc my brain is close to being fried. I feel now is the time to put it out there and let you decide what you make of it. I’m looking for any feedback that you have, either positive or negative, and your thoughts on it. Things that work, things that don’t etc. If you’ve got anything to say just leave a comment below.

So, here it is. Just click on this image below and it will send you over to the site…