Big Slide at Tony Grove

Big Avalanche on the Blind Hollow/TonyGrove /Ptex Bowl saddle.

By jackwizo

On Friday, 12-18 I went sledded up to Tony Grove with Toby, Darren, and Josh. Hiked up to Grandfather Bowl, which is just up the ridge from Ptex Bowl, on the south aspect. After a few runs, we skinned up and headed back to the campground and 'bile. We were fairly well spaced out along the ridge of Ptex bowl when the snow broke off. I was third in line, and head the best view. I watched it crack and start to slide. I shouted "there it goes" as the Darren and Josh approached the area just above the crown of the falling avalanche. I don't think they saw it happen at all, because when I caught up to them, they didn't realize it had just happened moments ago.When Toby caught up with us, he dropped into the area near the crown to take some pictures. Toby also had not seen it slide, and when he came around and saw it, I heard him exclaim "HOLY SHIT!"It was spooky, but exciting nonetheless. We ended up skiing one at a time down the debris, as there was still some hang-fire danger. The crown was over two feet, and the path was around four or five hundred feet wide, running three or four hundred vertical, I'd guess.Big slide. Toby's words were "could easily have been a killer." On the way down the Tony G road, we saw a herd of about a hundred elk near the highway. I'd never seen so many elk together except in Jackson Hole, and Hardware Ranch. Pretty cool.Then on the way down the canyon, some asshole was weaving all over the road, wouldn't let me pass, and nearly caused an accident by accelerating to prevent me from merging into the lane. Then, the bitch started flashing headlights and tailgating me, until passing me on a double yellow. So if anyone sees a maroon 2000 Toyota Camry with three Angies bumper stickers, and a Beaver Mtn. Sticker, kick their ass, and call them a bitch.