SBC's Powder Cowboy Catskiing Contest

What would you be willing to do for a week of Cat skiing? If you can ski and type, this could be the contest for you!

By schmuck

Contest! Alert! Want to live the life of a pro skier? Ski trips, blown ACLs, bankruptcy...It can all be yours if you learn a Switch Cork 10 and talk about yourself incessantly, or you can skip the typical BS and just go skiing.SKIER magazine will bring one lucky reader on a feature assignment to Powder Cowboy Catskiing in Fernie, BC. What do you have to do to get in, you ask? Be able to travel the second week of March, 2007.Send a resumé of your ski experiences so we know you don't suck.Write 700 words about something you're passionate about in skiing, good or bad.Deadline is Nov. 15, 2006. Send all letters and resumés to The winning article will be published in the magazine, and the winner will spend three glamourous days and nights at Powder Cowboy Catskiing with a photographer, writer and pro athletes. Don¹t miss out on this chance to confirm your suspicions: Evil monkeys really do run the skiing media. Log on to to check the goods.