Woodward at Copper is a Cover Girl!

Woodward at Copper ski and snowboard summer camp is on the cover of the Denver Post weekend edition.

By WoodwardCopper

In case you missed it, Woodward at Copper was on the cover of this Saturday's Denver Post! Thank you to Jason Blevins for writing the article and to our session 3 campers and Morrison Hsieh for representing Woodward at Copper.

Check out the article and most importantly check out Woodward at Copper. http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_12814351

NEWS!: Woodward at Copper will be open through October. All of August will be normal Drop-in and OHW hours as per our website, http://www.woodwardatcopper.com  The Barn will be open on the weekends through September and October. Times will be announced shortly. The timing couldn't be better to purchase one of our Drop-in punch cards. These punch cards don't expire until April of 2010 by the way, so there is plenty of time to use them and to take advantage of Woodward at Copper's best deal. The 10 punch card for $179 is unbeatable anywhere (not that there are Woodward at Copper facilities anywhere else...)

Also, get ready for GROM "WEEK"! July 19-22 is our 8-12 year old session with lots of snow left! Come shred with the groms and win tons of free gear from our sponsors! This is our biggest session of the season so hurry up and sign up to not miss out!