Have you been entering the contests?

It's right in front of your eyes every time you log in.... Level round four is happening, as well as the Scott trivia!

By schmuck

It's often a problem that you get in your groove on NS.  I know when I log in, I simply click Interact-forums really quickly after skimming park/team updates and news.   However, there's that wonderful NS contests logo as well, and you should make sure to check it out as frequently as possible.   There's more and more all the time!  Level round 4 is up, and the Scott motive contest is running too.   We've already given away a bunch of Level prize packages to lucky winners, and there's multiple pairs of Scott goggles to be won ever week!  Coming soon is the Obermeyer contest, but part of it all is you guys gotta start hitting up the contest page and checking out what's new.  So go there and enter!   It only takes a few minutes, and man can you win some cool stuff.  Check it out!http://newschoolers.com/ns3/web/content/pagetemplate.php?name=contests