MMP Viewer Hotline

Over the past couple of days, there has been a little bit of concern regarding some of my recent posts.  As a service to our loyal MMP viewers I have set up a temporary phone number that you can call to voice your concerns, ask questions and get any answers you need. 772-257-4501 Phone lines are [...]

By Newschoolers

Over the past couple of days, there has been a little bit of concern regarding some of my recent posts.  As a service to our loyal MMP viewers I have set up a temporary phone number that you can call to voice your concerns, ask questions and get any answers you need.


Phone lines are open whenever I feel like picking up my cell. Normally, I don’t put my phone number on the internet, however I am a fan of open lines of comunication so go ahead and reach out if you’ve had any issues with some of my posts this week.