

by knife_junker
Mar 21st - 227 views

Video from Roikka, Aron Asikainen and production crew
Rider, Aron
Disico lifestyle Really appreciate the music,
Modem, Trabant

Ski Diary days 7 & 8 Coastal Maine

by skiP.E.I.
Dec 2023 - 186 views

Exercises in rural jibbing and lines. Minimal set up time in wood piles and gravel pits.
A few minutes of skiing was a nice break from hanging drywall and moving furniture.

Music: White Mischief by Penguin Cafe Orchestra

2 clips

by shaun
Aug 2023 - 79 views

2 clips.
Clip 1 - drone selfie run - @shaun_907
Clip 2 - speed shred - @insta_oats
sorry about the watermark…

music: IBeLit : Dark Knight

Sled access steep skiing, this run was a double up via snowmobile right to the back of our run. Didn’t have a way to film myself other than to leave the drone filming, hovering, and go ski. Then I filmed @instaoats go about as fast as the snow conditions allowed down this wall.

Missing You

by evil.skier
Jul 2023 - 611 views

The boys return to Mt. Hood
Miles Nagel (Behind the cam)
Will Hanahan
Rickie Roberts
Erik Novak
Aren Archuleta
Mason Archuleta
Tobi Mache
Ben Halfmann
(Yeah I know the lens got foggy)

Three Faces

by skiP.E.I.
Jun 2023 - 511 views

I've been skiing with my brothers for almost 20 years. I still have the best time when we all get together on the mountain!
We re-united for the PBR jam ( and followed that with a few great weeks at Sunshine Village in April 2023.

Thanks to Jordan Condon, Monique MacLean and Lucas Boudreau for filming!

Music: Three Faces by Menahan Street Band.

Ethan Arrington 2022 - 23 Szn Cut P1

by EthanArrington10
May 2023 - 188 views

I made a handful of edits recounting my season recently. This is the first one from preseason at Loon as well as some stuff from home at Big Bear.

Filming credit goes to all my friends...

Music: "Get Down on It"- Kool and The Gang, "Mama Told Me Not to Come"-Three Dog Night