
Today's Top Videos

Game of Kofel #1 | GROUP 1

by gnjfrmr
Feb 17th - 30 views

First Game of Kofel went down on Tuesday.
After every game 1 rider will advance in to semifinals
and will compete against 2 other skiers for a spot in
the final of G.O.K !!!

Thanks everyone for showing up and believing in our vision!

Riders: @jaggsn_77 @kid._.adi

@bladee736 @hellibalotellii

@BASTI! @TRANQ ‪@kadigomis7844‬



Thanks to our Sponsors:
Hanfhaus TIrol
Die Boerse Innsbruck
Snowpark Patscherkofel

First street spot.

by Phoenixgrassl21
Feb 14th - 633 views

First street spot ever. After hours of shoveling, some heavy crashes, finally laced one I was happy with. I know the stairs aren’t shoveled the best, but so hyped for my first spot. Been dreaming of hitting this rail for a while now so sick.

Latest Videos

Game of Kofel #1 | GROUP 1

by gnjfrmr
Feb 17th - 30 views

First Game of Kofel went down on Tuesday.
After every game 1 rider will advance in to semifinals
and will compete against 2 other skiers for a spot in
the final of G.O.K !!!

Thanks everyone for showing up and believing in our vision!

Riders: @jaggsn_77 @kid._.adi

@bladee736 @hellibalotellii

@BASTI! @TRANQ ‪@kadigomis7844‬



Thanks to our Sponsors:
Hanfhaus TIrol
Die Boerse Innsbruck
Snowpark Patscherkofel


by Drivethrew
Feb 14th - 184 views

Mid-people, mid-skiing, mid-summer.

We have all been there a few times at the bar last call bullshitting with the bois about plans for brunch or football the next day. Usually it never work out, and you wake up wondering why you thought you were a social butterfly. One night this summer, Kaleb and I had one of these conversations, but it was about going to Argentina and Chile. It was a fuzzy memory in the morning, thinking nothing would come of it. Well, the next weekend around the same time as the last, probably in the same bar chair, we booked plane tickets. Waking up with my blue gato and a headache it seemed to be more of a dream, but when I checked my email, there was a confirmation for flights to Santiago. It was a month out. Dumbass hahaha. I talked to my boss and somehow got it off. Thanks Jay. So it was on. The only problem was we didn’t have a filmer. Filmers are important for a film trip. By the grace of God, I have some of the best friends in the world, and my buddy Shaun reluctantly said he was in. If you know me and Kaleb, you would understand what a fucked up thing it is to agree to go to a foreign country for 10 days with us. But Shaun proved us wrong, kept his sanity, and ended up being solid as fuck! Our plan was to drive from Chile to Argentina, but as we were on our way across the border, the police told us to turn around because the border was closed indefinitely. Bummer. Right away we changed the whole plan for the trip and decided to stay in Santiago to ski the 3 resorts we thought were a 30-minute drive outside the city. Little did we know that the drive on a good day was around two and a half hours one way. Especially with the amount of snow we got throughout the trip. We caught one of the best storms Chile has ever had with an accumulative 160 cm of fresh pow pow over our time there. Fucking wicked. We skied, traveled, and partied hard. It was one of those trips you remember forever and did no justice through the filming of how amazing this trip actually was, but we tried our best. I hope you all enjoy the video. Go on a ski trip with your friends! It’ll be a shitshow in the moment, and you will probably wish you were at home, but the memories will be unbeatable!
Thank you and love you Shaun and Kaleb❤️
Also huge thanks to LINE, Commit, and Backcountry Racks.
-Shaun Pierce
-Kaleb Neufeld
-Liam Morgan
-Kaleb Neufeld
-Shaun Pierce
-Brenda Alarcon