On the third day, Danny and I woke up with sore feet from the previous days backpacking. We knew we had another 14 or so miles to go and as I was putting my shoes on I was getting excited thinking about completing our adventure. The third day was probably my favorite of all the days. The last portion of the North Rim Trail was absolutely beautiful and filled with color from all of the spring flowers. Once we made it near the end, with four miles left to go, it felt amazing to take my shoes off and dip my feet in the river. They were hurting! The last four miles were a push. The scenery changed drastically as we hiked through a previously burnt portion of the forrest. There were dead toothpick looking trees with very little green, but the ground was full of new growth. The wild flowers were going off in this section of the hike. At times we were hiking through lupin taller than me. All you could hear was the buzzing of bees and chirping of crickets. We finally made it to road and hitch-hiked back to the valley. Our 30 mile mission was complete and we were all smiles. Changing into flip flops felt amazing! Driving home to Tahoe, I was content as I knew this trip was a great way to end my summer. In two days I would be traveling to Argentina saying good bye to warm weather, the lake, iced tea, and sunny summer days. I miss you Tahoe, but so far, Argentina has been great. We skied powder yesterday and the campers arrive tonight. Looking forward to more snow, meat, vino, and bottomless pow turns!