Photo's by: Dan Carr, Jeff Schmuck, John Smart, Julia Smart


How’s everyone’s summer going!!!!  Hope that you guys have been slaying your summer set-ups if you have them.  It’s been a pretty exciting summer for me!  I’ve been riding at Momentum Ski Camp since the glacier opened which has been super fun.  Meeting lots of little rippers, I can’t believe what the young ones are throwing down these days!  As for me I’ve just been working really hard on styling out my tricks as much as I can, and learning how to spin left (like zoolander).  :P

Japan Mute by Dan Carr

Photo by Dan Carr

Dane Tudor Trucking by John Smart

Switch 7 by Jeff Schmuck

Cork 7 tail by Julia Smart

One bummer thing about the summer has been that I broke my wrist.  Luckily it hasn’t slowed me down at all.  I decided to go against my doctor’s recommendation about keeping my cast on, and went and got a plastic zipper cast.  Its sooooo dope.  Way more comfortable than a real cast and I can shower with it, and swim in the lake and water ramp.   YEEEEEH!!!

I’ve been rollerblading in the off time, having a blast.  Been to the skate park and the foam pit.  The foam pit is pretty dope but really hard.  The drop in ramp is pretty legit so my first time I compressed and fell, sliding all the way across the floor and up the lip of the jump on my side.  Haha.

We’ve had a lot of Salomon riders out here in Whistler riding Momentum!  Jen Crichton, Kaya Turski and Mike Henituik have been here for all the sessions.  Meg Olenick was up for 2 weeks to brighten things up, Matt Walker and Andrew Hathaway made a short apperance for 3 days of riding!!! And we had Sammy Carlson out here for a week plus Woodsy, Alexis, Paul Bergeron and Iannick B. 

Also I’ve started my own little company and crew called “KING”.  I’m pretty stoked on it and want you all to know that its not meant to be cocky or anything like that. Just fun!!!  So far I've had a round of hoodies made that have been great everyone loves them.

Dane Tudor and Leigh Powis on the bus to 7th heaven King'in it up by Dan Carr

Photo by Dan Carr

Deeeeaaaamn.  We finished up the dopest night shoot last night.  It was pretty much the funest shoot I have been too.  It was a Momentum shoot, and I was up there shooting for Salomon.  The lifts closed at about 3:30 so we headed to the Horstman hut to chill out till the sunset hit and have some dinner.  We waited for about 3-4 hours, in which time we did some awesome trundling (rock tipping) and just joked around.

Henni and Craig look like monkeys poking at the snow like they’ve never seen it before!!

Photo by Dan Carr

Justin Dorey totally poaching the background: P

Photo by Dan Carr

Everyone was pretty skeptical about how things where going to go as we had a lot of cloud and high overcast. But as it got later the clouds cleared a bit and it was on.  We sessioned the main jump, the sunset was epic.  Threw down some slower tricks for the camera!!! Everyone was stoked

Photo by Dan Carr

The last few days of camp have been sick.  Spriggs, Powis, and I where sessioning the step over like crazy.  Started out with us building the lip super kicky lip.  A few hits later Spriggs decides its time for doubles and through a switch dub 10.  Sooo sick.  So from there I really wanted to learn a dub.  I worked pretty hard on it, having the fist rotation down but I just couldn’t get myself to roll into the second.  So now my plan is to go to water ramps and do all sorts of dubs so I can get myself past that stall spot I have.

So for everyone reading this update.  I love writing them for you guys, for those of you that are interested in what I’m up too!  And hope that you enjoy reading them and the pics!!!

Hey for more updates on my results, what I skiing on and what I'm up to peep or you can check my edits on just type in my name.

I'm out so check ya later thanks for taking the time to read this update and see you all soon!!