So today we met at the Newschoolers office. Jimmy malcom matt and I jumped into the subaru at the start of our epic journey to Ontario.With the car packed full if gear we started on the road. Malcolm snagged shotgun much to the dismay of jimmy, but made up for it by playing DJ all trip long. He slayed the tunes with such bangers as motörhead, ccr, don mclain and nirvana. Admittedly I was pretty impressed that he was rocking those tunes... Maybe I'm not just old and most modern music actually does suck.Of course what good road trip is complete without junk food. We were called in to wendys for the legendary baconator. All pig and cow with zero bullshit.Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....Then we walked back to the car.

Then we drove for another eight million hours. Jimmy states in the back and didn't try for shotgun.
After a million hours of driving we got here and enjoyed a wonderful dinner with my parents. Now were sitting here watching all the nstv videos while Malcolm serenades us with his skillful and entertaining tunes.See you all tomorrow at the greatest event of all time... PWNED!
--Posted from somewhere