License your own REVOLVER tour stop!

Here's your chance to run an 'Revolver' premiere stop of your own!

It's a great way to boost the local pre-season morale in your town,

look like a baller in front of your friends, get tons of free swag and

even earn an extra buck or two!

The Triple Threat Tour licensed event program has proven to be a

great success in the past due to promoter enthusiasm, provided

promotional tools and advertising mixed with great audiences. With some

of the most world-renowned athletes and film crews working together, to

create totally unique movies, your audience will be captivated and your

premier will be one of the top preseason highlights for your ski

community, friends and family!

For more information on licensing a tour stop of your very own, shoot us an eMail at! ATTN: TRIPLE THREAT 2010 HOST YOUR OWN