By Charles Boileau, Plehouse Films After a very good tradeshow in Vegas, we departed for Vail to go check out the U.S. Open. The Open was pretty chill, and for a second year in a row, Mickael won the comp. We were stoked about that because it gave us something to shoot. But unfortunately, bad luck struck us again. Phil Belanger is out, and now Phil Larose got hurt during his pipe run, putting him out of business for two weeks. After the Open we drove back to Salt Lake City with Eric Iberg, Matt from D-Structure, Charles Gagnier, and Thomas Rinfret. It was snowing nonstop and there was no use hitting the backcountry right away, so for about a week we hit rails around the SLC area. Charles and Thomas were killing it, they were both trying stuff that was pretty gnarly. But disaster struck once again: our 16mm broke down, and we lost it for a week. Phil Dion joined the party a few days after our arrival, and once we got the 16mm back we were ready to go in the backcountry. We did a lot of snowmobiling and hiking to find some pretty interesting stuff. Cliffs, jumps, pow turns- name it, we did it. Charles almost killed himself on a cliff drop, but he was skiing with some Teneightys, so we were kind of expecting that.
After a few weeks in SLC, I left the city with Phil Dion to go back to Mammoth. When I got to Mammoth it was already dumping, but we did expect to get eleven feet of snow in two days. So the first two weeks here were spent mostly playing video games, but once the sun came out we did lots of shooting. I don’t want to say too much, but I’ve put together a little video of what we did in the last few weeks, mostly rails and smaller stuff (most of the good stuff is on 16mm) but it gives you a good idea of what we’ve been doing. Stay tuned for more updates as the Plehouse team heads for Tahoe, Whistler, and Japan. WATCH THE VIDEO