Rage: Hello?

Ian: Hello?

Rage: What are you doing?

Ian: I’m at Riddles

Rage: I’m eating Sunchips. What are you doing at Riddles?

Ian: Looking at bitches on Facebook.

Rage:  Do you ever look at Riddle and say, “Riddle me this or whatever”?  Why aren’t you flying?

Ian: It’s raining

Rage: Why isn’t it snowing? It’s Canada.  You’re on speaker phone talk louder

Ian: Why am I on speaker?  Oh I know why, you cock sucker.

Rage: How many Celsius’ is it in Edmonton?

Ian: I don’t know..like 9.

Rage; That’s like 48 degrees right?  Is it true you have a crush on Sky’s sister?

Ian:  Affirmative.  And his girlfriend too.

Rage: How do you, well how do you know what to do b/w those two chicks?

Ian: You try both equally and judge which one is better.

Rage: How do you judge? Is that like their reply on Facebook or Myspace?

Ian: Facebook. Usually like Super-Poke.  Girls usually don’t know what’s up.

Rage: Alright interviews done, see ya. What are you gonna do this weekend?

Ian: Get free skis at IF3, win them.

Rage: Which ones do you get? Including best female right?

Ian: Yes, that’s affirmative.

Rage: What else should we talk about?

Ian: We should wait and make an edit. 

Rage: I’m never giving you footage. It costs money.  You own a plane. If you give me your plane, I’ll give you your footage.

Rage: How did your season go last year?

Ian:  Extreme. What’s the word? Extremely fun time. I landed in powder.  I got 33rd in the US Open qualifiers.

Rage:  Is that your best result for the year?  I thought you landed a double cork 12 at WSI?

Ian: Yeaaaahhhh

Rage: You came in second in a little old rail jam in Portland?

Ian: The only real comp is the US Open qualifier.

Rage: Is that what you’re putting all that money in next year?

Ian: Ya. All I care about is qualifiers.

Ian: Jeeezus, I’m so hungover right now.  I’m laying in bed w/ Riddle right now.

Rage: Are most Canadian’s gay?

Ian: I dunno.

Rage: You should have started w/ “Riddle me this.”

Rage: I have a serious question for you. How’s it feel to always try progressive tricks and not get any shots?

Ian: It feels good until the kill.  Indescribable.

Rage: Ok, well, do you feel that people see you as a gangster and don’t see the underlying love of Ian Cosco.

Ian: They don’t see the emotional side of Cosco. 

Rage: Elaborate.

Ian: What do you mean? Um….I wear baggy clothes and I ski.  I talk like a thirteen year old girl.  I’m a huge pimp. 

Rage: No you’re not.  Look how shy you are out alone at the bar.

Ian: I’m not that shy. I get belligerent and start yelling.

Rage: What’s your goal for next year?

Ian: Do well in a major comp.  Closing segment for Rage Films.  Do stuff in the backcountry that hasn’t been done.

Rage:  Like take dumps and pick it up w/ your hands and make a snow cone out of it? You did that last year.

Ian: Jeeez

Rage: Do you think by winning a major comp, sponsors will come easier than the past?

Ian: Yes, most def.

Rage: Is that a problem w/ the industry?

Ian: Yes, I’m not a good competitor.  Mike Riddle has proven you can win bank. 

Rage: Any parting words? Any words of wisdom from a 20 year old Mexican?

Ian: Ummmmmmmmm.   I’m trying to name my video blog.  Chug Life? 

Rage: That’s good. 

Ian: First episode will be dropping the end of this month.  Find it like around Newschoolers or iancostco.ca

Rage: Ok, so for the 10 kids that follow you, they’ll find it on your website?

Ian: Ya.

Rage: See ya.

Ian: Hmmm k