Freezing Point 32,, announces the release of their 5th freeskiing film to date, Damaged Goods. A Newschool skiing flick from the depths of the Midwest featuring, Tom Price, Travis and Tad Feiss,
Craig "Goat" Moore, Richie Fahey, Alex Perfect, Becca and Liz Sedler, Stephen and Stephanie Osborn, Kyle Decker, Brad Dingess, Brad Seymour, Adam Weaver, and Bart Singleton among others. Shot throughout the Midwest
in the parks at resorts such as Perfect North Slopes and Paoli Peaks in Indiana, Snowtrails and Mad River Mountain in Ohio, Marquette Mountain and Boyne Highlands in Michigan, as well as footage from Whistler BC Canada,
Heavenly California, and Snowshoe West Virginia. The film is fast paced with music from the likes of Iron Maiden, Sahara Hot Nights, Lost Prophets, and Metallica. For those of you in the west you need to check out Bart Singleton's section filmed almost exclusively at Heavenly on a plethora of rails. The DVD features the 29 minute feature film and is jam packed with over 50 minutes of bonus features and footage, including somebonus hidden footage that is sure to entertain. There are photo
galleries that document the month long journey to Whistler from Indiana and show off the Freezing Point Bus, as well as a Photo Gallery dedicated to Perfect North Slopes and shows you a little bit of what Perfects is like. If you
have never seen a Midwest ski movie, Damaged Goods, with its interactive menus and intriguing case, will entertain and is sure to be a staple in your ski movie collection. To purchase the DVD check out and hit up the order form. The DVD is only $15 and includes free shipping, and for only $5 more we'll throw in a Damaged
Goods T-shirt. I hope you all enjoy.