Windells is the Funnest place on Earth where each session we encounter a variety of campers that come through camp to develop their skills and have fun! At session 1 we encountered 11 year old camper Marina who is back for her second summer at Windells.  With coach Corbin, Marina has been riding the mountain all week and learning new tricks in the Windells Camp park.

How was Windells Camp today?

Marina: Today was really fun because I got to learn a lot.

What tricks were you working on?

Marina: This is my first day on the jumps and I learned how to do an indy! I got the grab, I just didn’t land it. I’m gonna land it tomorrow, I know I’m going to. Today I tried the boxes too.

What’s your plan for tomorrow since it’s the last day on-snow?

Marina: Tomorrow I’m gonna land the indy and I really want to try a method but I also want to land a 180.

What’s been your favorite activity so far at camp?

Marina: Any activity we’ve done has been fun. I like the sponsor activity nights the best because their fun activities where you get to win free stuff and the best thing is definitely the snowboarding. The Burton ladies night I got to meet the Burton Team like Kelly Clark. Ooh I thought of my favorite activity, Knockout! I have to start playing basketball.

Marina playing a game of Knockout against Sessions TM Billy Flick

How did you like camp this year compared to last year?

Marina: Well it’s kind of a tie but I like this year better cause I can snowboard a lot better and last year I’d have to go out cause that was the only way I’d get better.

Congrats Marina for being an awesome camper in session 1! Stay tuned for more campers of the day at Windells Camp this summer!

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