Adam Clark Photo

At a glimpse, everyone is becoming extinct, dominated by technology, drowning in unfathomable oceans of LCD screens and keyboards. We facetwiterbook so frequently, we appear to enjoy bragging about any given exploit more than actually participating. We are so focused on a two-dimensional plane that we ignore depth, disregard authenticity, and fail to remember that nature defines beauty and complexity. We forget that the world thrives in billions of interconnected symbiotic relationships and that we have the power to influence, inspire, and strengthen those that we encounter. Thankfully, you are different. You are a privileged soul and you have found something so wholesome and enthralling, nothing stands in comparison. You are fortunate enough to recognize passion, freedom, pure joy, enthusiasm, excitement? and re-produce familiar feelings every time you step on skis. Face shots, sunny days, après, early mornings, night hikes, sunsets, friends, old stories, adrenaline, broken equipment, duct tape, core shots, injuries, bitter cold, slushy days, last call, 4am concrete, lift rides, first chair, last chair, kinked metal, filming edits, sled laps, building jumps, backcountry BBQ?s, fire pits, hot laps, snow pits, beacon-shovel-probe, avi-lungs, altimeters, hydration packs, powerbars, beef jerky, warm coffee, ride away, high fives?. It?s all part of an extraordinary symphony we call skiing. Thank you for being different, thank you for understanding the value of being unplugged and for discovering enlightenment through sliding on snow. Inhale opportunity, for freedom is alive and well.

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