The stage is set for the world premiere of both "Road to Nowhere" by

Stept Productions and "Slamina" by 4bi9 Media on August 16th from

7:30pm to 10:00pm.

Whaleback Mountain in New Hampshire will

be holding the very first showing of both movies accompanied by a

pre-movie $5 rail session on the exclusive Jib Harbor, which will go

down from 4:00pm - 7:00pm. There will be a full grill along with plenty

of refreshments. All ages are welcome at the premiere for an admission

price of $10, or you can you can pre-order your ticket at for only $5. Check out the trailers for both films below and please join us for what will be a night to remember.


In Slamina and Road to Nowhere you can expect see the exploits of such NS legends as:

Tom Wallisch

Steve Stepp

Nick Martini

Alex Martini

John Kutcher

Ryan Wyble

Cam Riley

Rich Fahey

Kyle Lukacs

Ian Boll

Tim Maney

Matt Walker

Henrik Harlaut

Oscar Harlaut

Jeff Kiesel

Andrew Hathaway

Richy Paradise

Matt Pothier

Andrew Holson

Dale Talkington

Witt Foster

Brady Perron

Tom Warnick

Gus Kenworthy

Mark Kelsic

Andrew Napier

and friends...

For more info you email or visit and