Latest Videos by dresserski

Rob Dresser 2023/2024: The Games That Made Me

by dresserski
May 2024 - 412 views

Rob Dresser 2023/2024: The Games that made me
This season edit is meant to pay tribute to the freestyle skiing video games that I played growing up.
Great Season!
But Damn, so much time playing: Skifree, Gnarshmallow, Shredsauce, Jonny Mosely Mad Trix, SSX On Tour and Steep

Rob Dresser 2020-2021

by dresserski
May 2021 - 741 views

Rob Dresser @dresserski
I'm happy to be able to make another season edit this year. 22 years of skiing park and I can say, as you get older, it get harder and harder. Love what you do, and never stop!

Top Rated Videos by dresserski

Rob Dresser 2020-2021

by dresserski
May 2021 - 741 views

Rob Dresser @dresserski
I'm happy to be able to make another season edit this year. 22 years of skiing park and I can say, as you get older, it get harder and harder. Love what you do, and never stop!