What’s up you lovable maniacs. I've been wearing saga gear for almost 15 years now. I wanted to share with all of you the current state of my collection. If you've got something similar going on, please show us
A few shoutouts to NSers who helped this happen:
Jklbob for the maroon/black/gray jacket - such a fun addition to a largely grayscale wardrobe
NathanWStruthers for the full purple/black kit - my homeboy Jeff is now in possession of the jacket since I already had one but I couldn't be more stoked on the pants
.ste for the XXL all black jacket - this thing is mint!
blazer258 for the khaki pants- an instant classic and a new favorite for park days
Young_patty for the yellow suspenders and camo facetube - such a sick hookup for secret santa a couple years ago
Djangles for either the super old all black jacket (the oldest piece in my collection, from way back in 2008 if memory serves) OR the olive/black shell - I can't remember which one I got from you but either way, stoked to have it!
Tmacaholic for the black/white scarface jacket. this is one of my favorites! was able to pick up a second recently as a backup so i'll be rocking this scheme for many years to come
JeffreyConway for the black/yellow sweatshirt. this thing always reminds me of the NS team days