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MichiganCatFartSelling black market Jems skis 😔
supremeblienteleFastballing a hacky sack at the back of my fat gym teachers head * is still my favorite*
smacking my friend in the head with a binder In the hallway which caused him to fall over onto a short hot Cheetos girl which in turn ended up breaking her ankle
being way too high
showing my Mormon teacher tekashi 69 music videos whom I didn’t know was Mormon at the time
Puting Kraft singles through the air slots of everyone’s lockers (only got in house suspension for that)
bringing a laser pointer to assemblies
it’s honestly a miracle I graduated
deke_skiim sitting at home suspended id like to hear your stories
GayWolf420i called my alcoholic child predator of a vice principle a "Bitch" at lunch in front of the boys and almost didn't get to graduate lol
deke_skiits always the vice principal that are the biggest bitches
GayWolf420dude with my own two eyes, she was grinding with kids at Prom in like 2011/12
GrapeHunterhow are you going to start this thread and not explain why you got suspended? were you jerking off your boyfriend in the bathroom during class?
deke_skiwas she bad?
deke_skii left class early after my last final the other day and had a friend grab my bag from my class
steezytangerineStupid reason to get suspended. Your school's administration is desperate for drama
deke_skii think the main reason was i didnt tell them my friends name who grabbed my bag😭
PsychicMigration"Tell me your in middleschool without saying your in middleschool"
PresidentSkroobForgot to mention: This was about 16 years ago. Was raw dogging her puss once and didn’t pull out. Months later, she called me saying she was prego. I did the responsible thing and went to all the check ups with her. Shortly before the baby was born, we discovered it had Down syndrome. I told her “Good luck with that,” and dipped. Never met the kid until he started Dick riding all of my posts yesterday.
PresidentSkroobForgot to mention: This was about 16 years ago. Was raw dogging her puss once and didn’t pull out. Months later, she called me saying she was prego. I did the responsible thing and went to all the check ups with her. Shortly before the baby was born, we discovered it had Down syndrome. I told her “Good luck with that,” and dipped. Never met the kid until he started Dick riding all of my posts yesterday.
SmokedGoudahaving a three way in the attic. falling through and causing chaos in the freshman class who was at the time devouring cheese coated pizza trying to understand what the hell the freshman 15 is. Some say my sex life hasn't been the same since.
SmokedGoudacheese coated pizza
deke_skitop ten things that never happened
deke_skitop ten things that never happened