Siver Cartel is taking the action sportswear market by storm. What do you think is the reason for its success?

It's pretty simple. The ski industry shows minimal support for free ski and twin tips so kids are super stoked on a rider owned and operated brand. Plus we are offering a product that has never been offered before to skiers....streetwear.

Can you tell us about your affiliation with Orage?

I ride for orage outerwear...that is my affiliation with orage.

Any future plans to make outerwear?

Eventually, siver will make outerwear. Our plan is to attain a strong enough hold within the ski market from streetwear to justify expanding out into outerwear. But i guarantee we will within a few years.

What are you planning on occupying your time with this upcoming season?

Lots of siver expansion and comps, just filming segments and shooting with mags. and hosting camps as well.

What do you find most challenging about being both a pro skier, and a business owner?

Time is sacred. And there's not enough of it. Plus i'm married and a dog owner...theres a lot going on.

How has the Line team progressed since you became a part of it?

I've been with Line since day one and all I have seen is progress with every rider that Line sponsors. We have a super innovative and original team. Easily one of the best teams on the planet. Line rules.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding ski boarding's future as a sport. What are your thoughts on this issue?

Personally, I think the sport is on the out. It never recieved any support from the bigger industry of skiing so it really never had a chance.