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TGR’s Almost Ablaze Wins Film Of The Year & 3 Other Awards at Powder Video Awards

We at TGR are honored to have our film Almost Ablaze recognized as Film of the Year at the annual Powder Video Awards. As well, the film took home three other individual awards, with Angel Collinson winning Best Female Performance, newcomer Nick McNutt winning Best Breakthrough Performance, and the film's segment in and around Jackson Hole winning Best Powder. With so many amazing athletes and films up for awards this year we are humbled to be recognized among our outstanding peers. We were able to get a rapid reaction from some of the key contributors to Almost Ablaze. So enjoy and check out Almost Ablaze, which is now available on iTunes & Blu-Ray/DVD

Steve Jones, Director & TGR Co-Founder

Obviously we are super excited about all the recognition that Almost Ablaze is receiving this year, most recently winning Film of the Year at the Powder Video Awards. It’s always a tremendous amount of work that goes into a film and is always a team effort. There is no singular individual who is ever responsible for it and I definitely would like to give a huge shout out to the production team, post production, the editors, and of course the athletes. We are incredibly proud, this is an incredible accomplishment and hopefully we will do it again next year.

Todd Jones, Director & TGR Co-Founder 

It’s awesome because Ablaze won IF3’s Movie of the Year. Now it’s gone on to win Powder’s Movie of the Year. It's always awesome when people acknowledge your film as the best, but we don’t make these films to win awards. There are a lot of amazing films out there so it is humbling to get that pat on the back.

There has been a lot of good energy around TGR. This is the first film that we had the GSS available for the whole project. That is such a weapon. In Way Of Life, we got it in late march and had it for a month basically. That production quality component that we have been focused on forever at TGR really went through the roof once we had that camera system around for the entire winter.

The type of camera systems we use really capture the magnitude of the places we are and what we do. It really enhances the experience for the viewer and really brings that otherworldly look at our world that you don’t without it.

From a creative standpoint, there is so much energy firing at TGR right now, and so many cool projects and people. I think the team is a crack team, and we have been working together for a long time. We made major investments in audio technology and in the approach we wanted with the film to get that real voyeuristic , live vibe. We have talked about that for a couple of years, but this year we really committed to that. The way we use that to tell the story coupled with incredible visuals ending up making a really good product.

I think we nailed the soundtrack and the vibe. When you really nail the marriage of the athletes, perspective, visuals, the music and the audio, it works; it's magic and it’s absolute gold.

Greg Epstein, Head of Physical Production

It’s an honor to win Film of the Year. I am super excited for our team and all of the athletes who put in a huge amount of time in last year. This the first film were we got back to the basics of making a ski film. We just had a lot of really good skiing, but put a twist on it with more audio as a layer. It made for a great movie and a great story.

Blake Campbell, Co-Director & Head Editor

I think for me we have so many people who work on the film–Greg, Steve, Todd, Jill–everyone does a great job. For me personally, I lived this thing for one year. This is the sixth one that we have worked together on. For me, it's super rewarding to be recognized in that regard. It's the culmination of all these years of work. We could not have started TGR this year and made this film. It took all of that experience and things that we accumulated over the years in order for us to make the film. In a lot of ways, the stars just aligned for us. With the way the trips went, with the snow, the conditions, and a great roster of athletes. 

Check out Almost Ablaze on iTunes & Blu-Ray/DVD today.

About The Author

stash member Jonathan Desabris

Digital Content Producer at TGR. Jackson Hole transplant from the Green Mountain State. Contrary to popular belief I have never lived in New Jersey.
