Here's some of the old content from the 'Word' section of the old site...for history's sake.The Travelin' RIME*fam-Well, for the past 3 weeks, we've been on the road from Idaho, to Montana; down to Utah and back. Woo hoo! Its been a ton of fun, we got some real epic footage from a bunch of different spots on the map. Luke summed up the trip pretty well for us:"The trip was a blast, I met up with the crew in Whitefish after their shoot in Idaho.It was my first time skiing Big Mountain and even though the weather didnt cooperatewith us snow-wise, we had an epic inversion the entire stay. After romping with the snow dinosaurs, we made our way down to Big Sky where we shot some park and had ourselves a grand old time in our complimentary on hill hotel room. When we allrecovered we stumbled down to Salt Lake City where we skiied Grizzly Gulch in epic a bluebird knee-deep fashion. After meeting up with Tim Durtschi we ended up building a rather infamous gap in which history has been made in the past. Thisgo-around proved to be no different as Durtschi stomped a rather impressive feat over the beast. Hint: it involves two and a half rotations...muwahahah" - L.Tanaka

*Lucas getting some of that Utah pow pow!*
*Durtschi after slaying the Pyramid*Stoked on the caps!:: As the hats have been going out, and the RIME*word has been spreading, we've been getting alot of feedback from everyone. Check it out:"Suuuuper sick. I love the feeling of the material, super badass. I don't know if I've ever worn something so comfortable!" - Doug BishopRimin' on the road:: just after about a week of traveling, a couple OG's and the RIME*family have been cruising around the northwest and shredding crazy stuff all over. After a fun week in the backcountry of Idaho, we've crossed the border into Montana! shredding hard and gettin' footy, it sure has been fun. The Treeghosts here in whitefish are nutty! Some would even say they look like...
"Dinosaurs!" - L.TanakaThe hats were doing their job wonderfully, people we're stoked:"I'd say that like, this is the cradle of civilization for the RIME*species. This is their stomping grounds, they're totally in their element." - A.ChronOG RIME*crew:: Big ups to the OG RIME*crew, representing all over the map. from cali to coloRADo; deep rooted in Montana. Check em out on the Family page.Snorkel Days:: Alot of the northwest has been slammed by epic snow conditions these past weeks, and we made out REAL good at White Pass, WA! Something like 36" in 12 hours! talk about some deep pow, it was almost TOO much snow...almost. Every turn was a faceshot - it was epic.Powder Testing Season!:: We've got shredders from all over the map up on peaks all across the states, doing hours of rigorous testing in nipple deep powder! Its a tough job, barrelling through insane pow all day - but someones gotta do it. Turn for turn, these hats have been tested for fit, warmth, style and comfort with the same overwhelming results: these knits are DOPE!!"Literally shredding 2 and a half feet of pow all day and never had to adjust my sh*t, nor get cold. They're warm as hell and keep your dome encased in a dry, happy cocoon!." - C.Collins"Lookin' fresh whilst shraplin freshies." - L.Tanaka"Ah, Brah! These hats are soooo cozy, its unreal. No matter how much pow you get yourself into, you never have to worry about your dome getting cold or anything!." - Misc. Shredder