Newschoolers do gear reviews a little bit differently. We have a dedicated team of members working their way through the best product, taking time to really get to grips with things and then highlighting the stuff they love. We aren't afraid to talk about the negatives either and even on occasion write a bad review if something really doesn't do it for us. Anyone can be part of the team, all you have to do is upload quality product reviews to the review system. Our top rated guys, along with other big contributors to the site, make it on to the team, and get sent an insane amount of free ski goodies to test. We've gone through all of the performances from last year and are now proud to announce 12 people who will be the official Gear Editors for Newschoolers. This year, the lucky few will be:













Each Gear Editor will now have their reviews featured first, and begin receiving an immense amount of gear to put to the tests. Its our goal to make the most trusted reviewers help you guys seed the system with some really in-depth stuff about featured product.

I'll be taking over the position of Senior Gear Editor and will oversee the program. That will basically mean helping get everyone the stuff that they need at the times they need it. Any questions about this program can be directed at me. Anyone on that list who doesn't know the drill, hit me up and we'll get stuff sorted. It's going to be a banger year!