David Michalove is awesome! He's a recent Facebook friend of Surface skis and was kind enough to do a mini interview for the blog! In addition to the interview, he just so happened to post a photo of his fresh Next Life pow skis. Keep killing it buddy!1) Name, Age, and home mountainDavid Michalove, 12, Snoqualmie because i grew up on here and there is nothing like skiing in the rain and hometown2) Favorite subject in School? Math, sciense.3) How long have you been skiing? 8 years4) How tall are you?4feet 11inches5) What's your favorite breakfast cereal? honey nut cheero6) If you had to pick one member of the Surface team to ski with, who would it be? Blake, Banks Gilberti and Anthony Boronowski7) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?Retallack Cat skiing8) What do you want to be when you grow up? pro skier9) Who influences your skiing? Tanner Hall, Chris Benchetler, Big brother, Sammy Carlson, Simon Dumont, and David Steele10) What is your favorite part about skiing? POWDER!?!?! mmmmmm yummy! i dont get much here, so im hungry. My skiiing friends are awesome.

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