RED Mountain is in the final preparations to host the 10th Annual Canadian Open Freeskiing Championships. With the Junior Open now completely full, and the Senior event is still open for registration, this year’s competitors are in for some fun as La Nina has dumped over 300cm of snow on the resort. The freeskiing venue is in excellent shape.

The Senior Open will see competitors charging the slopes based on five criteria: Line, Control, Fluidity, Technique and Aggression. Spectators can catch all the action with RED’s highly visible venues. The Senior Open qualifiers will be held on Link’s Line under the Motherlode Chair and the finals will be held on the legendary Mount Roberts visible from a run called the “Ledges” – accessed from Motherlode or Paradise Chairs. 

Francois Marseille on Mount Roberts, the venue for finals.

Registration includes a 4-day lift ticket, entry into the competition, awards dinner and entry into the Kokanee Afterparty hosted in Rafters Bar at the resort. Local electronic fiend, DJ Mike, will be music mashing for the night. Registration is $309 for non-season pass holders.  Although ‘walk-in’ registrations are welcome, the online registration is the only way to guarantee a spot for the event.


Additional features to this year’s Canadian Open Freeskiing Championships are the inclusion of Avalanche Awareness day on January 15th and Demo Days with Rossignol, Armada, Elan and Blizzard. Demo days will include a mix of this year’s skis as well as a glimpse into next season’s skis. 

Mike Hopkins enjoying the current conditions at Red.

With a healthy snowfall to date, La Nina has smiled on RED.  Canadian Open Freeskiing Championships take place Jan 12-22, 2011. For more information or to register for the event go to: